Inspiring And Supporting The Next Generation Of Leaders

“It’s a privilege to share the lessons of entrepreneurship, hardships, victories, and failures to inspire people around me.”

- Divya Modi

Divya's passion for sharing her life experiences and learnings to motivate others is unparalleled. Her oratory skills are a culmination of her educational background and extensive experience as a young global leader.


With her words, she strikes a chord with audiences of all types, be it entrepreneurs or students, by weaving together her knowledge and her encounters with challenges in both professional and global settings. Through her powerful messages, Divya empowers her listeners to tackle real-life hurdles and achieve their goals.

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Lessons from Women Entrepreneurs

I was recently reading an article on the Entrepreneur website on “Inspiring Leadership Lessons from 13 Female Founders”

What would it take to have more Women Leaders at the Top?

I was recently reading a KPMG Women’s Leadership Study that highlighted the two elements that affect a woman’s ability

How To Generate Opportunities to Develop an Early-Stage Business?

As per the website, the first entrepreneurs can be traced back to nearly 20,000 years ago with trading being one of the first entrepreneurial ideas.

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